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Meet the Profs

September is always an interesting time of the year. While it’s not yet fall, you can feel summer slipping away. The mornings are a bit cool, but the day’s temperature may still hit 80+ (in NC, anyway). As someone who’s life revolves around the academic calendar, the school year is still new and at the same time feels like an old friend/favorite sweater.

Although it may feel as though the semester just began, October will be here before you know it. With October comes mid-terms . . .and the madness it brings. (We’ll leave that for another post.) Go ahead and get to know your instructors now. You’ve probably already had at least one quiz or test and it’ll only ramp up from here. Introducing yourself to instructors allows you to become a face, not just a name on their roster. You can also make a good first impression and being creating the relationships you’ll need for college success.

This week, I encourage you to meet you professors. If you’re not up to meeting all of them, choose at least one. Take the initiative to stay after class or visit their office hours. Whether or not you have questions, introducing yourself now sets you up for a better response from them later. One great conversation starter is “Hi, Dr. _________. I’m ______ and I’m a freshman ______ major. I’m just introducing myself so you know who I am when I visit office hours later in the semester.”

If that doesn’t feel quite like you or you want other ways to start the convo, email me (dedra@tasseltotassel) and we can chat about it. I’m here for you.


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We work with entering college freshmen, helping to improve their post-graduation options by equipping them with tools to successfully navigate the college environment.

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